Kindergarten Readiness
Key Kindergarten Readiness Skills at a Glance
Social and Emotional Skills
- Carry on an appropriate reciprocal conversation with peers and adults
- Separate easily from parents/caregivers without getting upset
- Able to complete an activity and transition from one activity to the next
- Follow a daily class routine
- Able to manage emotions, frustration, or unexpected changes in routine.
- Follow simple instructions with 2 to 3 step directions
- Know personal information (name, age, gender)
- Pay attention to a single task for an extended period of time
Adaptive and Daily Living Skills
- Can use the bathroom and toilet independently
- Put on /off coat, shoes.
- Able to care for personal belongings (hang up coat/backpack, put away work)
- Able to follow school safety rules and routines with typical adult supervision.
- Can clean up after themselves, wash hands/face.
- Feeds self with proper utensils, drink from a cup/straw.
Academic Skills
- Identify upper and lowercase letters
- Count to 20 and identify numbers
- Basic Math skills
- Identify colors
- Identify shapes
- Write his/her own name
- Basic Literacy skills- recite the ABC’s, rhymes words, story retell.
- Express ideas and thoughts verbally
Fine/Gross Motor Skills
- Use proper grip while using pencil, crayons, and scissors
- Cut with scissors
- Able to unfasten and fasten snaps, zippers, buttons
Communication Skills
- Communicate clearly and answer questions in complete sentences.
- Expresses wants and needs verbally
- Is generally understood by adults
- Understands and follows two step directions
- Can speak in completed (5-6 word) sentences.
- Understands and uses positional vocabulary