All schools are closed due to inclement weather. Classes will resume Tuesday, Aug 19. Testing

BVE principal selection update

Dear BVE Families,

I hope this letter finds each of you doing well and finding ways to make your manage through this challenging time.  As a grandparent I see, firsthand, how challenging it can be for families to juggle all that is involved with school closure and staying at home.  Please know that the BVE staff is working to find ways we can provide continued support for our students and families.

The purpose of this letter is to update you on the principal selection process for BVES. You may know the process to select the next principal started prior to schools being closed. The position was posted and a strong pool of top applicants identified. Unfortunately, school closure and imposed limitations on group gatherings resulted in the cancellation of scheduled interviews. Despite challenges presented by our current situation, we want to move forward with the interview process. The plan for doing so is as follows:

  • We will be conducting video conference interviews on Wednesday, April 15th.
  • Staff and parent/community members who were already scheduled to be involved will be given opportunity to participate in this new format.
  • We will not hold an evening opportunity to get to know the candidates as current social distancing guidelines do not allow such a gathering.

We believe this modified interview process will allow us to determine the right person to take on the principal’s role and lead the BVES community into to future. We will continue to communicate with you about the process, timelines and final selection of a principal in weeks to come.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about this process.

My best,

Wendy Barrett


Bernice Vossbeck Elementary

Boy using crayon on a piece of paper
Two girl soccer players
Two girls in a classroom